Week beginning 26th of October
It’s been a very exciting week in Primary 2/1. We received a letter from the friendly dragon asking for our help. He was very sad because his Fairyland home had disappeared. Jack didn’t have a beanstalk to climb, the 3 bears don’t have anywhere to live and Miss Muffet had even lost her tuffet! Primary 2/1 were tasked with the responsibility to think of different ways we could begin to re-build Fairyland in our classroom so they can live happily ever after. We did a fantastic job! We wrote a letter to the friendly dragon telling him about all the different ways we are planning to transform our classroom. We are looking forward to helping our Fairyland friends.
We also started our class Nativity. Primary 2 did a fantastic job with the narration and Primary 1 took on the variety of roles! It will be a very different Nativity this year, however, we are enjoying learning about this special story and will be able to share photos and videos.
We took part in Halloween activities on Friday. We dressed up in spooky costumes and were able to show off our costumes over TEAMs. A huge thankyou to Mrs Lambe for organising the sweetie bags for everyone. We loved them!