School Uniform
We ask that you send your child to school wearing uniform in order to uphold the high standard of appearance that is identified with the school.
St Joseph's uniform consists of a black blazer with badge, white shirt/blouse, black trousers/skirt and a red and white striped school tie.
A popular and acceptable alternative to the blazer is a red school sweatshirt with badge motif, worn with a white collared polo shirt. In summer, a red and white fine check dress for the girls is attractive and convenient. In winter, the girls may wear plain, black trousers. All of the above can be purchased locally, or through the PSC.
PE Uniform
For PE, a T-shirt, shorts and gym shoes are required. In line with West Lothian Council dress code policy for school children, we ask that pupils do not wear sports tops associated with particular football teams or which carry inappropriate logos.
Children are encouraged to keep PE kit and soft shoes in school for use at any time. Bags for storing their belongings can be supplied.
In the interests of safety and security, the wearing of jewellery is discouraged.
We recommend that all articles of clothing are clearly marked with your child's name, especially in the early years.
Clothing Grants
West Lothian Council will provide clothing grants and Education Maintenance Allowance to all eligible children and young people. Click on the link below for further information.
WLC Free School Meals (opens new window)
Recycle/reuse school uniform
The School Bank West Lothian - a local charity that supports children/young people and their families with the cost of the school day. The charity is raising funds to support the increased demand for school uniform with many families experiencing loss of income or employment and also outdoor kit (waterproofs, trainers, wellies, PE kit) due to schools spending more time outside. The charity also accepts donations of excellent condition used uniform, jackets, shoes and school bags.
For more information on The School Bank West Lothian (opens new window)
Order school Uniform Online
- Uniform can be ordered online via Earth Uniform (opens new window)

Please remember embroidered school wear is not compulsory, uniform colours can be adhered to via your high street stores, supermarkets.
Any questions at all please drop our PSC an email at