School Committees and Masterclasses
The school has a number of Committees and Masterclass which take place monthly.
Here at St Saint Joseph's, our children's views and ideas are very important to the direction of the school. Every child from Primary 1 - Primary 7 is part of a Pupil Committee which leads an aspect of school life. Our Committees provide great opportunities for pupils to develop a range of life skills and to grow as responsible citizens within their school, local and global communities.
Children's Rights: We are a 'Rights Respecting School'
We have been learning about 'Rights Holders' and 'Duty Bearers'.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) applies to all children and they are Rights Holders. They have the rights!
Adults such as parents, teachers and local government are Duty Bearers who help children and young people to enjoy their rights.
We are Duty Bearers!
The ABCDE of Rights
Rights are for all children and young people throughout the world (universal), are there at birth (inherent), cannot be taken away (inalienable), do not come with any conditions attached to them (unconditional) and are all equally important (indivisible).
A B C D E of Rights
Rights are for ALL children. (UNIVERSAL)
Rights are there at BIRTH. (INHERENT)
Rights CANNOT be taken away. (INALIENABLE)
Rights DO NOT have to be learnt. (UNCONDITIONAL)
All rights are EQUALLY important. (INDIVISIBLE)
Speak out on Children's Right to Health! We have signed up to OutRight 2022/23 to empower our children and young people to realise their own rights, and speak out in support of the rights of all children. The campaign is focusing on empowering children and young people to learn how Climate Change threatens children's rights and how we can protect them!
The International Labour Organization (which was set up by the United Nations) launched the first World Day Against Child Labour to highlight the struggles faced by working children. Held each year on 12th June, the day is intended to promote and encourage the growing worldwide movement against child labour. It is hard for most children and young people in the UK to imagine what it must be like to have to work as a child. Exploring articles 32 and 35, through the activities this week, will help you to understand and think about the effect of child labour.
This week's activities link to the following articles:
Article 32 - Protection from harmful work
Children have the right to be protected from doing work that is dangerous or bad for their education, health or development. If children work, they have the right to be safe and paid fairly.
Article 35 - Prevention of sale and trafficking
Governments must make sure that children are not kidnapped or sold, or taken to other countries or places to be exploited (taken advantage of).
Our Committees
- Community Champs and Minnie Vinnies with Mrs Smith
- Pupil Council with Mrs Smith
- Reading Champs Mrs Taylor
- STEM Champs with Mrs Telfer
- Maths Champs with Mrs Grant
- Health and Wellbeing Champs with Mrs McGuigan and Miss McGrady
- Play Champs with Ms Redican
- Eco Champs with Mrs Lambe
Our Masterclasses
- Our Masterclasses are led by our P7 pupils and the topic focus changes each term.