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Pupil Zone

After School Clubs

Information on after school clubs.

School Committees and Masterclasses

The school has a number of Committees and Masterclass which take place on a Shiny Friday.

Pupil Resources

Websites to access at home to help with your work.

Snow Days

West Lothian is known for having its share of snow. We have come up with some great activities for you to do if the snow decides to lie and the school is closed for the day. Remember, you don't need to do every activity and if you're going outside, wrap up warm. All activities will be uploaded to either Seesaw (P1-3) or your child's class Team in Glow.

Pupil Voice At St. Joseph's

We respect the views of all children in our school and involve them in decisions about their learning experiences.

West Space Mental Health and Wellbeing Support Pathway

West Space is your online space for mental health and wellbeing information in West Lothian. We aim to: provide information about local mental health and wellbeing services and support provide a platform to promote positive mental health and wellbeing through connecting people to local activities and places provide resources to support self-help and self-management West Space is managed by Health in Mind, a Scottish mental health and wellbeing charity, that supports people and communities across West Lothian.

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